Supporting the Robert F. Wagner, Jr. Fellowship for Public Policy and the Arts
Thank you for your support of the
Friends of the Arts Party yesterday. The party was a big success--
over 300 people came together at Christie's to celebrate
great art and a great cause, exceeding our goal of $50,000 for
the Robert F. Wagner Jr. Fellowship for Public Policy and the Arts.

John L. Moore, III, Randy Bourscheidt, Basil Twist and Charles Cowles

Aidan Mooney, Heather Watts and
Damian Woetzel

Justin and Indré Rockefeller
Ashton Hawkins and J.P. Versace, Jr.

THE ALLIANCE FOR THE ARTS serves the entire cultural community
through research and advocacy and informs the public through cultural
guides and calendars. Now in our 32nd year, we publish information on
the arts and cultural events in New York City as well as studies highlighting
the importance of the arts to the economy and to education.
THE ROBERT F. WAGNER, JR. FELLOWSHIP FOR PUBLIC POLICY AND THE ARTS was inaugurated in 2002. Young professionals acquire first-hand experience researching and informing public policy for the cultural community. Named in memory of Robert F. Wagner, Jr. (1944-1993), a prominent government official and teacher and an Alliance board member for many years, the Fellow acts as a liaison between the Alliance and its sister cultural organizations and as an advocate to public officials.
Elena H. Matsui (2008)
Charsha Mauldin (2007)
Julie Adélaïde McGinnis (2006)
Lea K. Green (2005)
Sidney McCleary, IV (2004)
Arianne Burger (2003)
Raoul Bhavnani (2002)
Edward I. Koch, Honorary Chairman
James F. Capalino
Christopher Cerf
John Connorton
Diane Mulcahy Coffey
Alexander Cooper
Betsy Gotbaum
Tony Hiss
Patricia C. Jones
Ronay Menschel
Frederic S. Papert
Henry Stern
Honored Arts Advocates
Kent Barwick
Philippe de Montebello
Theodore S. Berger
Schuyler G. Chapin
Susana Leval
Norma P. Munn
Susan B. Rothschild
Paul Beirne
James F. Capalino/Capalino+Company
Brandon Fradd
Ashton Hawkins and John L. Moore, III
Nick Hockens
Emily Fisher Landau
Mr. and Mrs. Earle I. Mack
Marc and Pamela Murphy
The Reed Foundation
Rebecca Velez and Travis Terry
J.P. Versace, Jr.
Enzo Viscusi
Leadership Committee
Jill, Maury and Maxwell Apple
Raoul Bhavnani and Savitha Reddy
Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy
Robert C. Clauser
Andrew W. Cullinan
Yvonne DeNigris
Chad Di Stefano
Smith Freeman
Marlene Hess and James D. Zirin
Linda Le Roy Janklow
The M.J. & Caral G. Lebworth Foundation
Mr and Mrs. Heath McLendon
Friedrike Merck
Park Avenue Armory
Susan and Peter Ralston
Indré and Justin Rockefeller
Alan J. Rogers
Jennie Tarr Coyne
Host Committee
Richard Anderman
Judith Auchincloss
Laurie Beckelman of Beckelman + Capalino
Lem Byers
Aja Claire Byrd
Diana Chapin
Julie Clingan Cristine Cronin/NYCharities.org
Cynthia Davis
Elysia Dawn
Emma Deland
Frederick Eberstadt
Brian Ellner and Simon Holloway
Rania Eltom
Stephanie T. French and Christina French Houghton
Barbara Georgescu
Carol and Jerry Gertz
Sherwin Goldman
Inge Heckel
Alexander Julie
Mark Kinarney
Kaufman Center
Landair Project Resources
Eric S. Lee and Jesús Escobar
George Lence
Susana Leval
Julie McGinnis
Adam Merritt
Rhett Millsaps II
Henriette Montgomery
Frances Nelson
Martha Newton
Mario Palumbo
Danielle Perissi
Michael J. Plummer
Ryall Porter Sheridan Architects
Jason Press
Jeff Ragovin
Akila Raman
Sangeeta Reddy and John Elliott
Lee Reiterhonor in honor of Cheryl Donath
Sarah Roberts
Ben Rodriguez-Cubenas
Tor Seidler
Walter V. and Judith L. Shipley
Bradley Silver
Joanne Stern
Barbara Tober/Museum of Arts and Design
Sharon M. Tomao
Romahlo Wilson
Hal J. Witt/American Friends of the Paris Opera and Ballet
Marianne Yip
Friends of the Arts
Albert and Kay Bellas
Melanie Chakmakjian
Citizens Committee for New York City
Thomas Clingan
William Earle and Aidan Mooney
Paul Gunther
Steven Harris
Hertog Foundation
Doug Jensen
Jennifer Kunin
Paula Lawrence
George H. McNeely
Richard J. Moylan
Rich Palermo
Jane Safer
Lisa Schubert
Steven Sergiovanni
Helen Tucker/Gramercy Park Foundation
Narisara Vanichanan
Thomas Workman
André J. Allaire
Julia Amisano
Ian and Jack Archer-Watters
Association for a Better New York
Ziad Bakri
George Blumenthal
Katherine Boone
Dave Bredesen
LeMerle Brinkley
Daniel Bruno
Peter Buffington
Theodore and Joanna Chapin
Ada Ciniglio
Charles Cowles
Cristine Cronin/NYCharities.org
Chris Crowley
Karen Davidson
Jacqueline Z. Davis
Kevin de L'Aigle
Ines de Seroux
Charles Dimston
Cynthia Drakeman
Gwendolyn and Tony Dunaif
Jamyn Edis
Grey Elam
Lee M. Elman
Thomas Fill
Andrew Fossett
GiGi Foster
Andrew S. Greene
Jane Gullong
Charles E. Hamlen
Robert Hammond
Alexandra Hanley
Lawrence M. Holtzin, M.D.
Nancy Horowitz
Timothy Husband
Pat Jones
Gabriela Juncadella
Peter B. Kellner
Fizza Khan
Gregory Kieser
Peg Patterson and David Konigsberg
Sander Kooijman
Will Law/Artspace Projects
Ms. E. Corey Lawrence
Bart Lazar
Shannon Lazzarini
Nancy Lorenz and Doug Schwalbe
Thomas A. Lovejoy
Robert Marx
Steven Maserjian
Wesley and Mary Matsui
Esther McGowan
Colleen McMillen
David Monachino
Kip Myers
Antonella Napolitano
Hugh Norton-Smith
Bo S. Peabody
Betsy Perry
Paul Porcaro
Kate Randall
Martin Rapp
Charles Renfro
Katherine Roberts
Elijah Schachter
Meaghan Smith
Natalie Somekh
Stacy Stark
Lynn Stein
Russell Suggs
Times Square Alliance
Paul P. Trotta
Nicholas R. Turner and Theresa M. Trzaskoma
Clyde Valentin
Claudia Wagner
Paul Washington
Alison Weaver
Kim Whitener/HERE Arts Center
Doug Wingo and Tim Legg
Artists Committee
Joey Arias
Mark Beard
Thomas F. DeFrantz
Michele Oka Doner
Marcelo Gomes
Larry Keigwin
John L. Moore, III
Carrie Shaltz/stageFARM
Joseph J. Simeone
Basil Twist
Heather Watts
Christopher Wheeldon
Damian Woetzel
As of November 19, 2008
Board of Trustees
J.P. Versace, Jr., Chairman
Paul Beirne, Chairman Emeritus
Ashton Hawkins, Chairman Emeritus
Randall Bourscheidt, President
Robert C. Clauser, Vice Chairman
Anita Contini, Vice Chairman
Karen Gifford, Vice Chairman
Paul Washington, Treasurer
Laurie Beckelman
Raoul Bhavnani
John F. Breglio
Theodore Chapin
Charles Cowles
James H. Duffy
Stephanie T. French
Paul W. Gunther
Patricia C. Jones
Eric S. Lee
Robert Marx
Richard Mittenthal
Alexandra Munroe, Ph.D.
Martha Newton
Marc Porter
Susan Ralston
Justin Rockefeller
Jerry Scally
William M. Smith
Andrew Solomon
Larry Warsh
Tim Zagat
Joanne M. Stern, Life Trustee
THE ROBERT F. WAGNER, JR. FELLOWSHIP FOR PUBLIC POLICY AND THE ARTS was inaugurated in 2002. Young professionals acquire first-hand experience researching and informing public policy for the cultural community. Named in memory of Robert F. Wagner, Jr. (1944-1993), a prominent government official and teacher and an Alliance board member for many years, the Fellow acts as a liaison between the Alliance and its sister cultural organizations and as an advocate to public officials.
Elena H. Matsui (2008)
Charsha Mauldin (2007)
Julie Adélaïde McGinnis (2006)
Lea K. Green (2005)
Sidney McCleary, IV (2004)
Arianne Burger (2003)
Raoul Bhavnani (2002)
Edward I. Koch, Honorary Chairman
James F. Capalino
Christopher Cerf
John Connorton
Diane Mulcahy Coffey
Alexander Cooper
Betsy Gotbaum
Tony Hiss
Patricia C. Jones
Ronay Menschel
Frederic S. Papert
Henry Stern
Honored Arts Advocates
Kent Barwick
Philippe de Montebello
Theodore S. Berger
Schuyler G. Chapin
Susana Leval
Norma P. Munn
Susan B. Rothschild
Paul Beirne
James F. Capalino/Capalino+Company
Brandon Fradd
Ashton Hawkins and John L. Moore, III
Nick Hockens
Emily Fisher Landau
Mr. and Mrs. Earle I. Mack
Marc and Pamela Murphy
The Reed Foundation
Rebecca Velez and Travis Terry
J.P. Versace, Jr.
Enzo Viscusi
Leadership Committee
Jill, Maury and Maxwell Apple
Raoul Bhavnani and Savitha Reddy
Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy
Robert C. Clauser
Andrew W. Cullinan
Yvonne DeNigris
Chad Di Stefano
Smith Freeman
Marlene Hess and James D. Zirin
Linda Le Roy Janklow
The M.J. & Caral G. Lebworth Foundation
Mr and Mrs. Heath McLendon
Friedrike Merck
Park Avenue Armory
Susan and Peter Ralston
Indré and Justin Rockefeller
Alan J. Rogers
Jennie Tarr Coyne
Host Committee
Richard Anderman
Judith Auchincloss
Laurie Beckelman of Beckelman + Capalino
Lem Byers
Aja Claire Byrd
Diana Chapin
Julie Clingan Cristine Cronin/NYCharities.org
Cynthia Davis
Elysia Dawn
Emma Deland
Frederick Eberstadt
Brian Ellner and Simon Holloway
Rania Eltom
Stephanie T. French and Christina French Houghton
Barbara Georgescu
Carol and Jerry Gertz
Sherwin Goldman
Inge Heckel
Alexander Julie
Mark Kinarney
Kaufman Center
Landair Project Resources
Eric S. Lee and Jesús Escobar
George Lence
Susana Leval
Julie McGinnis
Adam Merritt
Rhett Millsaps II
Henriette Montgomery
Frances Nelson
Martha Newton
Mario Palumbo
Danielle Perissi
Michael J. Plummer
Ryall Porter Sheridan Architects
Jason Press
Jeff Ragovin
Akila Raman
Sangeeta Reddy and John Elliott
Lee Reiterhonor in honor of Cheryl Donath
Sarah Roberts
Ben Rodriguez-Cubenas
Tor Seidler
Walter V. and Judith L. Shipley
Bradley Silver
Joanne Stern
Barbara Tober/Museum of Arts and Design
Sharon M. Tomao
Romahlo Wilson
Hal J. Witt/American Friends of the Paris Opera and Ballet
Marianne Yip
Friends of the Arts
Albert and Kay Bellas
Melanie Chakmakjian
Citizens Committee for New York City
Thomas Clingan
William Earle and Aidan Mooney
Paul Gunther
Steven Harris
Hertog Foundation
Doug Jensen
Jennifer Kunin
Paula Lawrence
George H. McNeely
Richard J. Moylan
Rich Palermo
Jane Safer
Lisa Schubert
Steven Sergiovanni
Helen Tucker/Gramercy Park Foundation
Narisara Vanichanan
Thomas Workman
André J. Allaire
Julia Amisano
Ian and Jack Archer-Watters
Association for a Better New York
Ziad Bakri
George Blumenthal
Katherine Boone
Dave Bredesen
LeMerle Brinkley
Daniel Bruno
Peter Buffington
Theodore and Joanna Chapin
Ada Ciniglio
Charles Cowles
Cristine Cronin/NYCharities.org
Chris Crowley
Karen Davidson
Jacqueline Z. Davis
Kevin de L'Aigle
Ines de Seroux
Charles Dimston
Cynthia Drakeman
Gwendolyn and Tony Dunaif
Jamyn Edis
Grey Elam
Lee M. Elman
Thomas Fill
Andrew Fossett
GiGi Foster
Andrew S. Greene
Jane Gullong
Charles E. Hamlen
Robert Hammond
Alexandra Hanley
Lawrence M. Holtzin, M.D.
Nancy Horowitz
Timothy Husband
Pat Jones
Gabriela Juncadella
Peter B. Kellner
Fizza Khan
Gregory Kieser
Peg Patterson and David Konigsberg
Sander Kooijman
Will Law/Artspace Projects
Ms. E. Corey Lawrence
Bart Lazar
Shannon Lazzarini
Nancy Lorenz and Doug Schwalbe
Thomas A. Lovejoy
Robert Marx
Steven Maserjian
Wesley and Mary Matsui
Esther McGowan
Colleen McMillen
David Monachino
Kip Myers
Antonella Napolitano
Hugh Norton-Smith
Bo S. Peabody
Betsy Perry
Paul Porcaro
Kate Randall
Martin Rapp
Charles Renfro
Katherine Roberts
Elijah Schachter
Meaghan Smith
Natalie Somekh
Stacy Stark
Lynn Stein
Russell Suggs
Times Square Alliance
Paul P. Trotta
Nicholas R. Turner and Theresa M. Trzaskoma
Clyde Valentin
Claudia Wagner
Paul Washington
Alison Weaver
Kim Whitener/HERE Arts Center
Doug Wingo and Tim Legg
Artists Committee
Joey Arias
Mark Beard
Thomas F. DeFrantz
Michele Oka Doner
Marcelo Gomes
Larry Keigwin
John L. Moore, III
Carrie Shaltz/stageFARM
Joseph J. Simeone
Basil Twist
Heather Watts
Christopher Wheeldon
Damian Woetzel
As of November 19, 2008
Board of Trustees
J.P. Versace, Jr., Chairman
Paul Beirne, Chairman Emeritus
Ashton Hawkins, Chairman Emeritus
Randall Bourscheidt, President
Robert C. Clauser, Vice Chairman
Anita Contini, Vice Chairman
Karen Gifford, Vice Chairman
Paul Washington, Treasurer
Laurie Beckelman
Raoul Bhavnani
John F. Breglio
Theodore Chapin
Charles Cowles
James H. Duffy
Stephanie T. French
Paul W. Gunther
Patricia C. Jones
Eric S. Lee
Robert Marx
Richard Mittenthal
Alexandra Munroe, Ph.D.
Martha Newton
Marc Porter
Susan Ralston
Justin Rockefeller
Jerry Scally
William M. Smith
Andrew Solomon
Larry Warsh
Tim Zagat
Joanne M. Stern, Life Trustee
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